
Kameyama Misoyaki Udon Noodle Taste the exquisite Kameyama Misoyaki Udon Noodle!


This time we would like to introduce “Kameyama Shokudo” located in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture.
Mie Prefecture is characterized by many local gourmet foods and ingredients with a strong local flavor, such as Ise udon, Tsu gyoza (dumplings), and Matsusaka beef. Among them, “Kameyama Miso Yaki Udon” is unique. As the name suggests, the yakiudon noodles with sweet miso sauce go great with beer.
We have found one of the ultimate restaurants in the area, and we will report on “Kameyama Shokudo” in this issue.

Store Overview


The restaurant is located in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture

This restaurant is located in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture. It is a town that tends to have an image of craftsmanship, and was famous for Kameyama candles in the old days and the “Kameyama Model of the World” until about 10 years ago.

This is a rather one-sided image☆

There are about 20 “Kameyama Misoyaki Udon” restaurants located mainly east and west of the Kameyama IC, and all of them have a unique atmosphere with a strong popular flavor and bustling atmosphere, but this restaurant is the best of all. The atmosphere here is exactly like a community center meeting or something.

The atmosphere is quite strong, but it is not exclusive, so the first step is very important☆


  • Business hours: 6:00 – 22:00
  • Closed: Sunday
  • Parking: Available
  • Address: 12-37 Koshita-cho, Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture, 519-0113

Although we have not actually checked, the business hours are a threatening 6:00 a.m. In a sense, it is a bargain to be able to enjoy miso yaki udon noodles in the morning with miso soup in the morning.
Parking is rather liberal, so be sure to park in the parking lot with others.

Menu and Taste

Here is the menu.

Since this is basically a set meal restaurant, udon noodles and rice bowls are also available, but most people’s orders are the same. This can be seen from the well-worn stoves set up at each table.

Naturally, I chose the Misoyaki Udon, and the meat was the standard Hormone. What kind of an idea is it to have the best taste and the cheapest price?
A few minutes after ordering. A few minutes after placing an order, a lady brought in something very special.

Dawn! That kind of sound effect seems to suit her.

The expression is too old-fashioned.

The first time you see it, you’ll be surprised to see something that looks like some kind of Jiro type of food.
When the stove is lit and the mixture is simmering, it is time to start cooking. But you just have to keep stirring. Do not let it get burnt. The katsu miso sauce should be mixed in so that it is evenly distributed.

To be honest, there are not that many hormone, but with udon noodles and vegetables, the volume of the dish is enough.

Thank you very much for the meal. 750 yen per person is enough to fill you up and make you happy.

Now, you can also order meat separately here. This time, I decided to order pork. And then…

Déjà vu. I was supposed to get only the meat, but the exact same thing as before was brought to me.
The only difference is that the meat in this dish has indeed been changed to pork.

However, I had to eat what came out. But for some reason, the savory sweet and spicy miso sauce makes me eat beyond my limits.
That’s why it was a treat (for the second time).


That’s all for this time.
Many Kameyama Misoyaki Udon restaurants are unpretentious and have the atmosphere of a popular diner, perhaps because they serve it at a familiar restaurant from the past, but this restaurant may not even look like a food restaurant at first glance.
However, in such a friendly atmosphere, the gourmet food of the children, which has been loved only by the locals for a long time, is really delicious, so when you come to Turtle Island, please get off the highway and experience the food and culture, not just “the town of interchanges”.

Youtube version uploaded.

We have uploaded a video introducing Kameyama Shokudo. If you would like to experience the realistic feeling of the cooking process, please watch this video as well.


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