
The Tagata Shrine in Aichi Prefecture is both beneficial and impactful.

This time, I would like to introduce Tagata Shrine in Aichi Prefecture.
It is a shrine that stands casually on the road in Komaki City, but when I visited it, I found it to be a place of great impact.


Outline of the Shrine


The shrine is located in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture

This shrine is located in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, north of Nagoya. Although it is located in Komaki, the city is also home to the prefectural Nagoya Airport, making it the air gateway to Nagoya.
It is also the site of the famous “Battle of Komaki-Nagakute” fought between Tokugawa and Toyotomi, making it a city with a rich history along with its neighbor Inuyama.

The date of establishment is unknown.

The details of the history of this shrine are unknown. However, it seems to be a shrine with a fairly long history, with a minimum estimated history of more than 1,000 years, as its name remains in the Engishiki Shinmeicho (Engi Shiki Book of Divine Names).

There are two deities.

  • Mitoshino-kami
  • Tamahime-no-Mikoto

Tamahime-no-Mikoto may be unfamiliar to many, but she is the daughter of the goddess of the Owari settlers.
She was blessed with two sons and four daughters, and is enshrined here for her contribution to the development of Owari.
Therefore, the shrine’s blessings are a good harvest and fertility (prosperity of offspring). The shrine has a long history of holding festivals for the prosperity of offspring, and is a shrine of great spiritual power with a long history of benefits.

Access to the shrine

  • Address: 152 Tagata-cho, Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 485-0004, Japan
  • Parking lot: Available

Please note that the shrine and surrounding roads become crowded during the Harvest Festival.

Walking in the precincts

The hall of worship is fairly normal.

After crossing the torii gate and seeing the shrine office, turn right and you will see the main hall of worship.


The inner shrine is on the right. (Restricted to visitors under 18 years old from now on.)

If you have the impression that this is just an ordinary shrine, you are correct. And you are right. The true essence of this shrine lies in the Okumiya Shrine.


The approach to the shrine is to the left of the hall of worship, and here is the Okumiya, where a magnificent banana is enshrined.


The color, luster, curvature, and indentation of the banana are a perfect reproduction of the original. Banana chocolate and banana-shaped candies are also sold at the shrine’s harvest festival.

Rare Treasure Cave

The power spot of this shrine is the cave “Chinpokutsu” located further inside the inner shrine.


A banana is erected between two round balls, and around it are objects resembling bananas, which are also avant-garde art.
These two balls also have their own benefits.


  • Touching the right one (the ball): safety in the home, prosperity in business, and luck in money.
  • Rubbing the left one (ball): love fulfillment, safe childbirth, and harmony between husband and wife.

It is said that each ball has its own merit to make your wish come true, so please rub each ball as much as you like.

Red Seal

Red seals are available at the shrine office to the left of the hall of worship.


The stamp is said to be a banana-shaped mikoshi carried at the fertility festival of this shrine.


That’s all for this time.
It is a representative power spot of Komaki with many benefits, so please visit it if you are in the neighborhood.
However, although it is blessed with the prosperity of offspring and the harmony of married couples, if you visit the shrine as a parent and child or as a couple without prior knowledge, you may experience a delicate atmosphere, and in the worst case scenario, you may not be able to contact each other again.


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